Not my words

Today the signs of the times declare that we are standing on the threshold of great and solemn events. Everything is in agitation…. The present is a time of overwhelming interest to all living. Rulers and statesmen, men who occupy…

When God allows breakage

The lesson came with broken glasses. The drinking kind. It shouldn’t have mattered…glasses are glasses. But these were ‘special.’ Why? I guess I just liked them…all eight had survived years and spouses and moves and kids and animals and thousands…

Planning Big

One of the most influential persons in my life was a missionary with the last name of Gates…no the first name was not Bill. Pastor David Gates preached at our University/Church so many years ago I’m surprised I remember his…

Letting go

Today I needed this reminder. The minutes, hours, days, weeks and months have just worn on me. I start each answer to ‘how have you been?’ with ‘I’m making it.’ Then this morning a blessed Scripture came to mind to…

The Test

That time when God puts you to the test. Now we all go through different seasons of life and we can likely identify times (days…months…years) where we felt God was handing us more than was our fair share. We love…

Never Alone

I needed these words this week. Maybe you did, too. An excerpt from some of my favorite books, this one called “Tales of the Restoration” by David and Karen Mains ‘Listen to me,’ said the King again. ‘Though I have…

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