I Must Tell Jesus

I am alone tonight.  This isn’t unusual.  And frankly, since kids are in bed and husband is working, I can get some of the ‘me time’ that I crave.  And best yet, it’s the beginning of my Sabbath (Friday night to Saturday night), which means the work responsibilities I am forged to every other day of the week are sitting on the table for a blessed twenty-four hours.  Praise God for a day of Rest.  I am sitting here drinking tea and worshiping with my Christian music of choice quietly jamming in the distance.  Restful, yes.  Peaceful, I’m working on it.

Some weeks, of course, weigh heavier than others.  There are weeks I come home at the end and can barely form coherent sentences.  There are weeks I am so emotionally spent that I find I have to pray before I answer every innocent but near-physically-abrasive question from my kiddos’ mouths.  “Don’t let the kids see their momma lose it…again.  Please God.”  (In case you were wondering, it was this one tonight).  Now I’m not complaining or trying to one-up anyone, every mom I talk to has these days (dads too for that matter.)  No.  I’m sitting here to discuss a trend I have fallen sway to and am choosing to work on.  I’m a self-proclaimed Xennial (born between 1977 and 1985) who loves my technology but longs for my growing up years where computers and cell phones and Face Book were not a daily word. I’m not one to leave FaceBook (yet…) but am a bit wearied from the sheer amount of “brutally honest sharing” that happens.  I’m ok if your kid looked particularly cute or this story was hilarious or this meme is ‘perfect’ for this moment or even if you’re asking for prayers or critiquing a candidate/athlete/coworker/friend…I am a big girl and know that to be offended is my own choice.  However there is a tendency that, when someone fought a particularly hard week or day or even moment, the almost animalistic basic and urgent need is to share it….with everyone.  

I’m not saying this is bad or sinful.  Been there.  Done that.  However I was singing a hymn the other day and the words were simple but cutting.  

“I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus I cannot bear my burdens alone.”

The question I started asking myself was, why, when I’m in a situation or in a mood, is my first step is to share the worries or stressors or alone-ness with “friends” instead of with Jesus?  Another song (literally playing while I’m typing this)

“What a Friend we have in Jesus/All our sins and griefs to bear/We will never be forsaken/Take it to the Lord in Prayer.”

Joseph M. Scriven

Sure, friends can say “I’ll help you” or “I’m praying for you.”  But the majority of posts I’ve posted or wanted to post are NOT asking for help, but just wanting to be heard (aka whining when my children do this, but I’m an adult).  But, does it really take the twentieth ‘like’ or ‘you’ve got this’ to give us the courage or strength or make us feel less alone?  

Psalms 141:3 “Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.”

Proverbs 10:19 “When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.”

Proverbs 29:20 “Do you see a man who is hasty in his words?  There is more hope for a fool than for him.”

Proverbs 29:11 “A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.”

I’m not scolding.  I’m not of course not telling you to quit posting on social media platforms (but please oh please don’t be doing it while driving, no one cares that someone cut you off that badly!!!!).  I’m inviting you to join me, when you find yourself thinking “I need to post this!!!” that we take that time (ya know, maybe even the bathroom) to Tell it to Jesus first.  If afterwards you think that others would benefit from what you have to say, that whoever views it would be impressed to truly pray for you (not just necessarily ‘like’ or ‘angry face’ it), then by all means, post away.  Or better yet, phone a friend or confess to your spouse that you’re struggling, and ask for prayers.

“I must tell Jesus all of my troubles/He is a kind, compassionate friend/if I but ask Him, he will deliver/Make of my troubles quickly an end.”  (Mom Winans). The promise of God through King David Psalm 55:22 “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”  

Rest alone.  Be at peace.  Tell your burdens to Jesus tonight/today/this morning.  And consider just sharing how God can help others who are also struggling.  He promises to hear you.  

“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer….”

1 Peter 3:12

The Broken Mandolin

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