How easy is it to bow?

Raised in the ‘church’ as it were, there are stories that we grew up being told and discussed in detail. Put us together, we can spout off Bible facts like others compare sports statistics. Like why David picked up five smooth stones, not one. We’re not really sure when we learned such facts…we just always knew them.

Probably one of my favorite stories is that of “Daniel’s three friends” who made the stand to not bow to Nebuchadnezzar’s statue of gold and thus risk their lives. Bravo! We make it a testament to what early Christian upbringing can do for children even in stressful times. We feel the power of their polite rebuttal to the King. We murmur at the miraculous rescue.

I remember early discussions about this story, where with child-like conversation we commented how easy it would have been for these three men to have ‘tied their sandals’ or ‘cared for a stubbed toe’ during the time that the music was being played. How they could have argued that ‘God put me in this important place, has saved me up until now, surely He wouldn’t mean for me to die….I’ll bow down but I’ll think about God the whole time.’

But now I am not a child…and it is with shame I look at my life (and yes, lives of other proclaimed Christians) and I see that I myself have made these same excuses when I have faced a decision that would take my worship away from the Lord.

First we have to realize that while there hasn’t been a statue of gold 90 feet tall built for us to worship, there are indeed gods being set before us. How? An idol is anything that we choose to devote more time and money to, than God. I’m not saying we should all go into hiding or into the ministry…I hope you can see this. But it means an acknowledgement that all our life, all our health, all our finances, all of our studies, all of our time, all our responsibilities…we are to use them to God’s glory.

So….how easy is it to bow? We don’t even have the threat of death before us (yet). It’s bending to tie a sandal….partaking in practices that poison our bodies and minds so as not to look different from others around us. It’s caring for a stubbed toe…saying I’m a victim to the actions of others, I was hurt (emotionally, physically, spiritually) so it’s ok to be this way. It’s saying God wouldn’t let something bad happen to me since He’s led me here….becoming comfortable in a phase of life, God has blessed you for your years of service and now it’s time to live in comfort because you’ve earned it. It’s saying I can look like others but I’ll be thinking about God the whole time…like when we sit at home on our computers and phones chatting on social media or shopping during our muted online church service.

Again…I’ve been shamed to see these in my own life. The excuses we use to joke about…are now the ones I find myself making. Countless years ago, I was so sure I would have been one of the three standing. Now…I hang my head in shame…I can no longer be certain.

But one thing I know is that God is a merciful God…He rescued these three men from the consequences of their BELIEF…and He promises to forgive me from my SINS if I recognize them and repent.

Re-read the Psalms. These are the groanings of David….one who both made great stands of faith for God…and who fell so dismally to bow to his own humanity.

“What is man that you are mindful of him.” Psalm 8:4-9. This same God can save us from the fires of life (I’m not alone in the fire). Praise God! Choose to stand!

The Broken Mandolin

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