Giving up “My Time”

I prefer to write of readings I’ve come across than of my own experiences. But this one bore sharing. Not because of what I did. But because of what I almost didn’t do.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9 (ESV)

I found myself in a hurry one evening at the close of work. I had a package to pick up that I had been anxiously awaiting which was just going to be ‘perfect’….unless it wasn’t. I was watching the clock carefully, I had just enough time to ask a quick question of a colleague and then would be able to run to the car and pick up Perfection on my way home. I was actually proud of my time management skills.

Little did I know that the colleague was needing someone to listen. I watched the clock closely, like looking at an alarm clock that you know is going to wake you up in 5 minutes….2 minutes…1 minute… I could still make it to pick up Perfection….ok now, if I risk a full bladder, I could run out the door and race to the car and hopefully all the lights are green…oh man, it may be cutting it tight now…

I sighed, not sad and not tired but resigned….I was clearly needed here, God wanted me right here right now, and Perfection would still be there tomorrow. Self, quit being so selfish with My Time. My colleague and I laughed, we cried, and we completed our talk; I figured I might as well not risk the full bladder since I no longer had a time limit of My Time, and drove home. I even chatted with my sister on the way, lightly whining about my Perfection that I was dying to see if it was going to be perfect, telling of my delay and sharing how God’s timing is so often not My Time.

I had retrieved my children from their grandparent’s house and was ready to get home and get dinner. When walking toward the car, I heard an offhanded “Oh I’ve got your packages.” I turned, shocked–this was not a usual occurrence–and there was the very package, Perfection itself (I hoped), that had been picked up hours before. A package that would not have been at the store if I’d limited my conversation and gotten to the store on time like I’d planned. I was ecstatic to have Perfection but it turned to trembling when I realized that I’d nearly given up possibly a once-in-a-lifetime conversation that was needed, all for the sake of My Time, My Plans.

I texted my sister.

“I almost missed the chance to share God and give hugs for something that wouldn’t have even been there. Lesson to me. NEVER put self first. It may be the last time that person hears about the love of God.”

And yes, I finally opened the package. Yes, it’s Perfection. God blessed me so richly that day…but I felt so much more blessed to have had the conversation than to have even had Perfection.

The Broken Mandolin

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