
I got to truly ponder today the meaning when the Bible says ‘our righteousness is like filthy rags.’ I grew up in many-a-shop…I know what a grease rag is. I guess I’ll always assumed that ‘filthy rags’ were like those clean-dirty rags.

But today I had the opportunity to see a person who was not known for his cleanliness; he has mental challenges and circumstances had put him into a place where he was alone, being restricted, and he was being told he couldn’t do things he always had been able to do before.  He was pacing, angry, agitated. I came to see him…and he knew me…and he was beside himself to see someone he recognized.  He hugged me…I hugged him back…  And I felt his filth.  I don’t think I hid very well the fact I wanted to cringe…I tried.  I can clean up I thought…he needed me.  

But then I was driving home, still trying to ignore the fact that I had to go back to work, couldn’t change clothes, trying not to think about whether that was the results of his runny nose in my hair. 

And I felt the Spirit speak the words “your righteousness is like filthy rags.”  What?! I like to think I am clean, I showered this morning, I washed my hair, my drippy  nose is kept in check, I do what is right, I strive to follow the Law of God and the laws of the land.  Yet when I come to God, I am…filthy.  My humanity and body that is susceptible to sickness, my selfish thoughts and my daily battle with sin….even in my goodness, I am repugnant to a Holy God.  As Paul said “the things I want to do I do not.” 

And yet this resplendent Savior in all of his purity grabs me in a hug….my filth staining Him…and I instead am considered clean…and He saves me.  His cleanliness….for my filth.

The Broken Mandolin

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