Devotions versus Devoted

Just a quick post here, if you haven’t figured it out yet, I don’t follow a specific reading program in my devotions…if I were to be honest, I don’t even do real “devotions”. I have definitely made time for reading my Bible and commentaries more of a priority, but as work and kids keep even my meals and sleep irregular enough, there never was time I could reliably set aside to study.

And I cannot tell you how many times I was told 1) Christian mom’s responsibilities are to stay home and raise children (yes….even in the 20th and 21st centuries) and 2) you have to spend an hour each day in devotions with God to be considered “good.”

I’m not going to beleaguer the first point particularly. I’ve come to grips with the fact that God called me to my profession as well as my very important roles of being wife and mother. I think this was His calling for ME, and I continue to lean on Him hard for the ability to do all at as close to 100% as I can. I am devoted to His calling of me.

The second point, this one bugged me for years. And I tried…as many of you I hope have, to try to find time for devotions. I fall asleep first thing in the morning. I was up doing other responsibilities until midnight and so any words I read after that were mush. The sheer number of times ‘mom’ is called every time I think I have even ten minutes to read. The child who had a bad dream during the night when I totally had my alarm set earlier to make time for devotions. The friend-in-distress phone calls that last until the wee-hours. The wonderful parts of marriage that take time and are important too. The un-wonderful parts of marriage that leave me fuming so I can’t see straight. The trying to stay fit part of getting older because “our bodies are a temple of God.” The 8-plus hours of work where I’m very much needed. The hours of sleep that are needed because “our bodies are a temple of God” again. I just always felt that I was being just such a fake, to never have time for “devotions.”

Well, I’m older now I guess. And just today, in fact just now, I think I’ve learned that the words Devotions may not be for me…instead it’s “Devoted.” Can I be devoted during all of the above? I may not be able to read my Bible during it all, but can I be devoted? What might that look like? Have I been praying while rocking a fussy child? Have I listened to Christian pod-casts and music when working or driving or exercising? Have I turned everything off during 10 minutes of alone-ness, just to talk to God and have Him talk back? Have I taken the time between when I drop kids off to school and when my work begins to read a couple of Bible verses and reflect on them? Have I remembered how often I’ve cried out “Jesus, help!” when I hear my kids cry out “Momma, help!” Have I reflected on the joys of service while doing piles of laundry or helping to clean rooms or scrubbing toilets (Jesus would have scrubbed the toilet)?

When I searched for “is the word ‘devotions’ in the Bible?” the Google response brought up by JourneyOnline “Christians use the word ‘devotions’ to describe daily, meaningful interaction between a believer and God.” But beyond than that, the Bible says a couple things that I think are point-worthy. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your souls and with all your might” according to Romans 12:11. And “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Colossians 3:23. That is my spiritual calling and what God asks of me…not “doing devotions.”

As I am getting older and my kids are getting older and my life is possibly more stable (if that is such a thing)…I am finding more time to spend communing and talking with God. But to find time to be devoted is a “through the day” thing…It’s choosing to connect with God more than connecting with…oh, say Facebook? TikTok? Instagram? Books? Movies? TV? Exercise? Friends? I know, I know, I’m hitting where it hurts with me too. My phone does a good job telling me how much time I’ve spent online on average. I guarantee I have not spent that much time in “devotions” per-se but maybe I can work to spend that time being DEVOTED.

Recently I was given the opportunity to renew and pay for this blog-spot…and because I was completely distracted it got renewed without my knowledge and it was more expensive than I remembered at a time I was really hoping for no more bills to go out (You know the feeling). I looked at my husband and said in a chagrined voice “well I guess I’ll keep it for another couple of years even though I don’t know if it is for anyone else besides me.” And my sweet husband said “even if it is only for you, it’s you talking God and thinking out loud so yes, you keep the blog-spot.” I have a sweet husband:) But he was spot-on….even if this isn’t for anyone else…it is a way that I devote myself to God. We talk things out, He speaks to me, I speak back on “paper” and “keystroke.”

I hope you have found the burden lifted if you, too, have been struggling with “not having devotions.” We are called to be devoted. That is all. And while I think it definitely is harder with all that is modern in front of us, and it takes effort, the Bible says “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13). And I hope that in the minutes it takes to read these musings of mine, I hope they are ways to keep you “devoted” too and point you to Jesus. Be devoted friends!

The Broken Mandolin

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