O Christian Where Art Thou?

The Broken Mandolin 

I blame my husband, really.  He talked me into this blog.  Just like he talked me into flying, but that’s ANOTHER STORY for never.  He said it off-handedly, like, “well, maybe you should do a blog.”  And then we talked about anything and everything else and never brought it back up.  A sneaky one, my husband.  

So why a Blog when I usually avoid blogs, say I don’t have time to read blogs, and there are blogs for everything under God’s sun?  Because God talks. I listen.  And He wants me to share.  That’s all I can say.  I’m not holier than anyone.  I’m not specifically trained in Religion.  I read the Bible, I believe in prophets, and I believe that if God gives a message then it is to be shared.  For the majority of topics I will reference the Holy Bible (usually the New International Version unless otherwise stated).  I have been known to throw in a particularly appropriate movie or book quote, partly because my brain just thinks that way.  I expect I’ll add in links to particularly good books or on-line stories that God directs me to and may be the nudge for a new post.  I am  greatly susceptible to the world of busy-ness and so my purpose is that most posts will be short and succinct.  There may, however, be ‘To Be Continued’ posts.  

This age we live in…it breaks my heart.  I am a middle-aged (though that is still hard for me to identify with) woman who was born and raised into a Protestant Religion, I’ve never fallen away from the church, I believe in Jesus as my Personal Savior and thoroughly enjoy raising my children the same way.  I don’t even have a conversion story.  I’ve been asked to join missionaries and at one time thought I’d go as one…and as I look around at my little world that seems devoid of true Christ-centeredness and overrun with busy-ness and as I talk to individuals who have first-hand experience regarding the crises in suicides and homicides and hatred overwhelming all ages and all genders and all ethnicities….I wonder if I really have it any easier than those going to other countries (with zero dis-respect to those whom I know and love and am so proud of who have accepted God’s calling overseas).  My belief-system follows the teachings of the Holy Bible, and I believe that as stated in the New Testament that there WILL be an end to the evil in this world and upon the second Advent of Jesus this Earth will be destroyed…and I look around and I say as my grandparents and my parents have said, ‘can it get any worse?’  So I don’t know how long I personally have to share on this blog.  And yet, start it I must.

I am a little terrified.  I shy away from conflict.  And I have no doubt that there will be posts that I feel inspired to write that might cause anger, disbelief, bad-mouthing.  It was almost enough fear to not make this Blog.  Almost.   I am not here for the followers, however.  I’m here to hopefully bring light, encourage more study on my and your part, and help to revive a remnant that is so badly needed in today’s Christians and hopefully point the way to Jesus for those who may not know Him as of yet.  It is a modern way to share God’s messages to as many people as I can.  This all being said, this is NOT a blog to debate theology, to speak harshly or put others down.  It is NOT a political post.  It is NOT a forum to wage battles in order to push an agenda. At this time comments are not being entertained; to be praised or chastised is not the goal.

In the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:2 “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”  THIS….this is what this Blog is about.  Thank you for joining me in this venture.  May all glory be to Jesus, our Savior.  

The Broken Mandolin

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