Locked in to preserve

I’m currently reading in the book of Daniel. Too much in this book to really summarize, here, but jot down the cliff-notes-version.

Daniel was forcibly removed from his country as a young man, trained in the ways of his new country and succeeded so well that he was made a high official…repeatedly for at least 3 kings! (Think second in command). He went through a second hostile take-over by another country during his life, and continued to be found trustworthy, knowledgeable and wise. He never gave up worshiping “the one true God” and living a healthful life despite several threats and brushes with death. It was under the second kingdom that other jealous governors sought to have Daniel killed, thrown into a lions’ den as written by the king by their design, for worshiping anyone other than the king. It is recorded that Daniel, when he heard the decree that “no one may worship anyone other than the king for thirty days” went to his room and opened the window towards his original country and prayed three times a day “giving thanks to God, just as he had done before.” (Daniel 6:10). The jealous governors of course watched for him to do what he’d always done, complained to the king who had to have Daniel thrown into the lions’ den as his decree couldn’t be changed. Not to spoil the story, but the next day Daniel is brought up by the king alive and well, and the other governors were then punished for their wickedness by the same treatment but were in this case killed by the wild beasts. And afterwards the King made a decree that everyone under his kingdom’s control should “fear and reverence” the God of Daniel.

Now, you know that is the Cliff Notes…it reads so much better in the original text so just read Daniel 1-6 for yourself. But now to make my quick points.

While reading this morning, I was reading the actual “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” chapter which is 6. There were two quick points here. in Verse 10, Daniel is praying three times a day to “give thanks to God” as he usually did…then in verse 12 Daniel himself says the men found Daniel “praying and asking God for help.” Daniel was a respected man, he was considered by the king to be one of the governors, in fact, one of the best (this was the reason for the other governor’s jealousy…he was going to be promoted). But with this decree, Daniel knew that he was in trouble. He probably knew he was even being singled out. But he didn’t hide, he didn’t quit, he didn’t go on vacation for a month, he didn’t go and complain to the king, he didn’t go and argue with the other governors….he prayed for help.

That was point one. In this day and age, we are so quick to do anything but “visibly pray for help” when we feel attacked (and if you aren’t feeling attacked, well that’s a whole other post).

Point two. Just a little further down in Daniel 6:14, when the king realizes that he was tricked to write a decree that ultimately meant a death-wish for his most trusted governor, he “was greatly distressed; he was determined to rescue Daniel and made every effort until sundown to save him.” The governors as a group came to the king (up to 122 men according to earlier in the chapter) and reminded him that his word was law and couldn’t be changed. So the king regrettably had Daniel arrested and they threw him into the lions’ den. The King himself called to Daniel “May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!” verse 16. (Remember, Daniel was still a stranger who worshipped a One true God in lands that worshipped other gods like Marduk and Ishtar, but had had such an influence that the various kings recognized the power of his God). Now here is the point I wanted to make…in verse 17 it is stated that a stone is rolled over the den of lions and a seal of the king himself was placed on it “so that Daniel’s situation might not be changed.”

Have you ever thought that while you are feeling very picked on, attacked, even in the “depths of despair” (to quote E. Montgomery in “Anne of Green Gables”)…that God may have sealed you there so that your situation might not be changed? As in, no one else can touch you? Jealous “governors” can’t also try to shoot arrows or throw spears at you while God is working to preserve you? You can’t try to climb out and fight the situation on your own? Sounds like something like this may have happened before…and the king (and God) were making sure that first, you are safe, and second that the glory is given to God.

You might just be “locked in” for your protection. It probably doesn’t feel like it at the time, but remember the points 1) pray for help and 2) God is always working for your good. (Now quickly, though it turns my stomach, there were plenty of martyrs who did indeed die with the lions…so praying for help doesn’t always equal “I am ok.” Though I can’t stand in for God, the truth is God is God and I am not…He alone knows the end from the beginning. Go back to The Biggest Lie that Christians Tell for some additional thoughts)

Now the beautiful response of Daniel when he is lifted up from the pit of hell….”O king, live forever! My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, O king.” verse 21

May we all have the faith of Daniel…you may just be locked in with the lions to preserve you and to bring glory to God.

The Broken Mandolin

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