I’ve got you

I can’t say it was the wisest decision I’ve ever made. To be honest, I’d probably do it again…but I’m thinking next time I’d wait until I had my husband with me to help.

My kids and I were hiking and exploring and we were needing to go ‘up’ a massive boulder. There was a simple walk-around…but we were adventuring! So I encouraged my kids to climb up a well-established crevice in the boulder that was filled in dirt and moss. I was spotting my 5 year-old…I could see there was risk, but wanted him to see that risk is something to be assessed and wisely challenged. (I have the feeling I say ‘but be careful’ way too much as the mom of Adventurers). So up he climbed…and his foot slipped and he reacted expectedly, throwing himself backwards. Well, as a good spotter, I instantly had him and down we slid, me cradling him as I tried to dig in.

It wasn’t dangerous other than risk for bumps and bruises, maybe a strained shoulder (ouchie)….and the slide was relatively short…. Once we assessed everyone was ok….I asked him if he was going to ‘try again.’ He looked hesitant…I explained that he needed to get lower to the rocks and put his feet on a solid surface, and if he slid again to fall forward, not backward, then said “I’ve got you.” He bravely said yes and up he scampered. I was so proud.

That was the second time he heard me say “I’ve got you” during this adventure. The first time….we were carreening downward and he was frightened and out of control…flailing, falling…. But I had him securely in my arms, protected….my own body at risk, but his covered. As we slid, I firmly said “I’ve got you” as we seemed to be in peril. His body instantly relaxed before we’d even stopped, he was so certain I meant what I said. And so when I said he could try the climb again with some additional instruction, and reassured him that “I’ve got you”….he knew I would.

As I applied some healing salve to my strained shoulder later that night, my 5 year old looked concerned and asked what had happened. I then recounted our ‘harrowing tale’ to my husband and then we both looked at our 5 year old, still looking worried, and said…”that’s what moms and dads do….we are there to encourage you to be courageous but will take care of you if you should fall.” He smiled and bounced away.

Later…my shoulder still was barking at me….I thought of those words “I’ve got you” and the promise we as parents made to our children. And I heard God whisper “I’ve got you.” The story came back to me….and as I played it over, I saw my own life, especially lately, the times when I’ve felt encouraged to Adventure in my life, perhaps reach for a higher goal….and my footing possibly wasn’t as secure as it should have been and I slipped…I fell…and I threw myself backwards, knowing this was going to be painful and I was scared. The future seemed suddenly uncertain. But then I hear my Father say “I’ve got you.” And my body goes limp, His arms and his body cushioning my fall.

Jesus still bears the scars….he has scars in his hands and feet, a gash in his side…and so when he says “I’ve got you” and encourages me get back up, to try again, gives me some instruction for possibly better footing…..I KNOW He does have me. Because He still has the scars from the last time.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

The Broken Mandolin

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