The Whisper of God

I love reading the Old Testament…imagine hearing the voice of God, specific answers to questions, knowing that God is with you…. The Voice of God doesn’t seem to be as loud today as it used to be….but I suspect that is because we truly aren’t listening as hard for It.

I wasn’t listening as hard as I should have been that morning. On my way to work…listening casually to a sermon that happened to be on the radio…earlier than usual. It was dark enough for the stars to be brilliant but morning was beginning to lighten the sky.

A shooting star streaked over my car and head and fizzled right in front of me. One of the brighter ones I’ve seen…and never so close to morning. When I mentioned this to my husband later, he even commented at the oddness of it. When it happened, I heard the Voice, just a whisper, “It’s going to be ok.” It was just a thought, an impression.

I had just come off a stressful night…was not sure if this was the assurance following the night, or strength for the upcoming stress of work, or a promise with my family going different directions that day. But I hugged the Whispered Thought to myself and kept on my way.

I survived the day. I hugged my children when home. The family was strong again. Time for my usual evening.

Then THE EVENT. It was big for me, for my family. It was unsettling, the expected calm of the day got disrupted. I felt bruised. Everyone was ok…but everything was NOT ok. The adults kept the calm for the children…but where was our…MY… calm?!

Then….the memory…the Voice. What I vaguely remembered being the whispered thought…I now recognized as instead the Whispered Voice…the Whisper of God. THIS was what God was promising me with that rare, brilliant falling star right ahead of me that morning…and the assurance HE whispered….”It’s going to be ok.” I choose to believe this Promise, given before I even needed it….and now I choose CALM.

Two verses. “Yahweh, He it is who does go before you; He will be with you, He will not fail you, neither forsake you; don’t be afraid, neither be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8 (World English Bible)

“It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear.”

Isaiah 65:24 (New King James)

Listen. Put the phone down. Turn off the TV. Learn to recognize the Voice. Listen FOR the Voice. He promises to answer….possibly the question you haven’t even known to ask.

The Broken Mandolin

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