Do not grow weary…

Ok I’m just going to say it. I admitted it to myself. I admitted it to my husband. I admitted it to my co-workers. And I am having a harder and harder time not admitting it to those who rely on me to be a strength. I’m growing weary. I’m not talking tired. I’m talking weary. And not just weary of work and COVID and the media and young children….I’m talking weary of doing good.

Blessings are the memory of Bible verses. About the time I wanted to say ‘to heck with it all!’ the verse came to mind from Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

When I’ve given the last piece of advice I think I can give? Do not grow weary….

When I have worked a 10 hour day and do not have anything else to give to those I love at home? Do not grow weary…

When ‘friends’ unfriend me? Do not grow weary…

When I thought I was being effective in what I felt was a calling, and it appears I was not? Do not grow weary…

When I’ve clearly not been as Christian as I should have been? Do not grow weary…

When I had someone I could not help? Do not grow weary…

When the news is nothing but bad? Do not grow weary…

When everything that I thought was solid is now a raging sea, and the God I thought I’d figured out seems distant again? Do not grow weary…

When wrong seems right? Do not grow weary…

When I seriously do not have an idea of what to do next? Do not grow weary…

When I have been called ‘mommy’ one-hundred-too-many times? Do not grow weary…

When my imperfections overwhelm me? Do not grow weary…

Don’t give up. Do not grow weary of doing good. God promises that nothing is impossible with Him and that our duty to love IS EASY if we let go of our own burdens. (‘For my yoke is easy and my burden is light’ as it says in Matthew 11:30). We are promised that if we do not weary of doing good, if we do not give up, then there will one day be a reward.

Courage. Press Onward.

The Broken Mandolin

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