The Warrior Wife

I read a paragraph today and I read it again…and I felt one of those chinks in my armor click into place.  Do you know what I mean?  Think of the medieval mail armor, which was made of up metal rings or ‘chinks’ as I was raised calling them.  As a young Christian I learned the verse ‘Put on the full armor of God’ (Ephesians 6:11).  A warrior may be an amazing fighter, but there is without a doubt value and even identity in the armor that a warrior wears.  And this chink that ‘clicked into place’ today was the role of a wife in regards to supporting her husband.

This morning my reading was about Zipporah.  Who?  She was the wife of Moses…the great leader of the children of Israel from Egypt as depicted in the Bible.  The particular story takes place when Moses was headed back to Egypt with his wife and sons; the Lord showed himself to Moses and ‘was about to kill him’ and so Zipporah personally performed a circumcision on their youngest son and Moses’ life was spared. (Exodus 4:24) This story is only 3 verses in the entire Bible and seems, well, bizarre.  I could go into detail about the events and the actions, God’s requirements etc.  But I want to focus on a particular paragraph in a book called Patriarch’s and Prophets (a commentary on the Old Testament in the Bible, the chapter on Moses, written by Ellen White).  

Though it may first seem like it, this story AND post is not about the stance on circumcision.  A brief (and my personal) theologic conclusion:  circumcision was introduced between the Almighty God and Abraham and was to be a sign of the covenant between God and His chosen people.  God’s people would dedicate their lives to Him, would be a ‘different people,’ and God would bless them and take them to the Promised Land.  As the Christian church followed after the teachings of Christ (as told in the New Testament), His disciples went out and preached to not just the Jews but also the ‘whole earth,’ including the people who would not have previously been circumcised (Gentiles), saying “Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing.  Keeping God’s commands is what counts.”  1 Corinthians 7:19.

No, these verses are specifically regarding the role that Moses was being groomed for and the need for complete surrender and regard for God’s requirements.  We don’t quite know why….I’ve been a tired mom too, or maybe sickness, fatigue, inconvenience, disregard for tradition….but at the time their youngest son should have been circumcised, Zipporah convinced Moses that this ritual wasn’t needed.  Irregardless of the reason the parents had made this decision, God now made it known that “such a neglect on the part of [Israel’s] chosen leader could not but lessen the force of the divine precepts upon the people.”  The author then writes “Zipporah, fearing that her husband would be slain, performed the rite herself, and the angel then permitted Moses to pursue his journey.”

It was the next portion that caught my attention….and my breath. “In his mission to Pharaoh, Moses was to be placed in a position of great peril; his life could be preserved only through the protection of holy angels.  But while living in neglect of a known duty, he would not be secure; for he could not be shielded by the angels of God.”  And later “Angels cannot then protect those who are disregarding [even] one of the divine precepts.” As I re-read this…my role as a wife started to be better defined.  And what a precious yet serious one it is.  Our husbands have a duty, one that likely will place them in daily peril…admit it ladies, for our husbands, peril can have so many appearances.  It is possible that, whether by mis-guidance from a spouse or personal sickness, fatigue, inconvenience, or disregard for tradition/beliefs (are you catching the drift?), our husbands have disregarded even one of the divine conditions that God has established for His people.  This author extrapolates from these three verses with God-given revelation that angels cannot protect our men if even one of God’s precepts (from the dictionary, a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought) are not being followed!

But look, look at what a Godly warrior wife does!  Zipporah herself took this role upon herself.  She interceded for her husband.  She performed a difficult but required task so that her husband…who was being led by God…in a role that would take him away from her…and place him in the way of great danger…would be covered by angels.  She was able to provide angelic protection for her husband by following God, following his covenants for their family.  My mind can hardly grasp it even as I write it.  

And my armor is more complete today than it was yesterday.  God alone can make a husband and wife a stronghold in the war being waged against the Christian marriage. I have within my warrior wife capabilities the provisions to help ensure my husband’s protection from peril. This chink probably is part of the chain mail armor that covers my heart.  I feel the weight of the armor, I feel the weight of the role….but God himself tells us how this armor will protect us and has given us means to fight in Ephesians.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the power of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” 

Ephesians 6:10-13

Be strong, warrior wives.  Be strong.  Be ready to fight.  Put on the Armor.  And do not be afraid.  

The Broken Mandolin

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